Are black holes the dark matter?
New research suggests link between black holes and dark matter that give clues to the evolution of the universe.
New research suggests link between black holes and dark matter that give clues to the evolution of the universe.
Dennis Ogawa, a UH Mānoa American studies professor, receives the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Neck Ribbon.
UH Mānoa Associate Professor Jill Omori honored with the Hawaiʻi Women Lawyers’ Distinguished Service Award for the H.O.M.E. Project.
Tuna fishers who network with their competition may be able to stop thousands of sharks a year from being accidentally captured and killed in the Pacific Ocean.
The Queen Liliʻuokalani Trust donated $500,000 to the Myron B. Thompson School of Social Work.
The independent investigation into the March 16, 2016 explosion in a UH Mānoa laboratory is now expected to be complete by end of June 2016.
Photo gallery featuring University of Hawaiʻi spring 2016 commencement ceremonies held systemwide.
Fourteen University faculty members were honored with the Board of Regents’ Medal for Excellence.
Katherine “Sam” Geiling, Will Jonen, Joel A. LeBel, Barbara Meguro and Jamie Simpson Steele honored with the Frances Davis Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching.
The 2016 Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Research was awarded to Brian W. Bowen, Loïc Le Marchand and Kristin Pauker.