Astronomers produce largest 3D catalog of galaxies
The team used data from UH’s Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System or Pan-STARRS1 on Haleakalā.
The team used data from UH’s Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System or Pan-STARRS1 on Haleakalā.
E’lisa Lee was among researchers on Maunakea that detected signs of life on Venus.
UH IfA scientists, students form company after developing high-power laser technique to shape mirrors for telescopes.
The virtual open house runs from September 26 to October 26 and will provide information on the proposed telescope, site and project timeline.
A new study reveals the integral role telescopes on Maunakea played in showing how Pōwehi, the supermassive black hole moves.
From world-class infrared imaging to groundbreaking laser optics, UH IfA have had major impacts on the field of astronomy.
A team of international astronomers detected what may be extra-terrestrial life in Venus’ upper clouds using the JCMT telescope on Maunakea.
The UH-mentored students’ helped scientists determine a 1,070-pound space satellite would explode over the South Pacific on August 29.
Maui middle schoolers mentored by UH outreach astronomer spot 1070-pound space satellite expected to re-enter Earth’s atmosphere on August 29.
The UH 2.2-meter telescope on Maunakea is awarded a $1 million grant for a major robotic upgrade.