Don’t blame social media for illegal hiking, researchers say
Respondents largely indicated that the online information dissuaded them from hiking Haʻikū Stairs.
Respondents largely indicated that the online information dissuaded them from hiking Haʻikū Stairs.
Fewer people leaving Hawaiʻi during COVID-19 will likely result in more workers leaving the labor force and continued higher unemployment rates.
Collaborative papers focus on understanding and addressing the social implications of COVID-19.
The UniDescription project was honored for leading edge applied research and development, methodologies, innovation programs, investment programs, startup collaborations or industry initiatives.
Instagram content featured the betel nut, betel palm tree or betel pepper leaves, as well as areca nut preparation practices.
The oceans degree is an accelerated online program offered in five-week segments.
Among the survey participants, 61.9 percent reported using a cloth face covering in April and 76.4 percent in May.
UH research examined the balance between protecting the spring system and groundwater pumping.
Hawaiʻi’s unemployment rate reached 23.8 percent in April 2020.
Since 2015, Medicaid-funded hospitalizations and emergency room visits have declined for Micronesian migrants in Hawaiʻi.