Beverly Keever’s Vietnam memoir is One Book One Nebraska winner
UH Mānoa Professor Emerita Beverly Deepe Keever’s book has been selected as a finalist for the One Book One Nebraska reading program.
UH Mānoa Professor Emerita Beverly Deepe Keever’s book has been selected as a finalist for the One Book One Nebraska reading program.
The Homeowner’s Handbook to Prepare for Natural Hazards provides detailed information on how to prepare homes for a hurricane and other natural hazards.
UH has been ranked among the top world universities for its scientific publications by National Taiwan University.
The 25th edition of the KIDS COUNT Data Book finds some gains in economic well-being and education of Hawaiʻi’s children, but concerns remain.
Emeritus Professor of Anthropology Leslie E. Sponsel's new book takes top prize in the science category at the 2014 Green Book Festival.
Disparities in reading proficiently between income groups persist in Hawaiʻi according to the latest KIDS COUNT data report.
According to data presented in the 2013 KIDS COUNT Data Book, Hawaiʻi ranks 25th out of 50 states in overall child well-being.
The 2012 KIDS COUNT Data Book ranks Hawaiʻi 24th in key indicators of child well-being.
The varroa mite has caused an increase in deformed wing virus in Hawaiʻi honeybees, according to researchers with the UH Mānoa Honeybee Project.
Institute for Astronomy scientists Marcelo Emilio, Jeffrey Kuhn and Isabelle Scholl measure the diameter of the Sun.