Food and family key to Filipino heart health
To lower the high rate of heart disease among Filipino-Americans, the community needs heart health interventions rooted in Filipino cultural values.
To lower the high rate of heart disease among Filipino-Americans, the community needs heart health interventions rooted in Filipino cultural values.
The SOEST research team found polyethylene, the most produced and discarded plastic, to be the most prolific emitter of methane and ethylene.
An international research team led by UH Mānoa's Anna Neuheimer revealed that fish parents “predict” a beneficial environment for their offspring, resulting in populations “adjusting” spawning time so the young can meet their prey.
The researchers believe whale mothers with calves employ a strategy in habitat selection that may help them avoid male harassment.
UH Mānoa's Center on the Family releases Hawaiʻi’s latest KIDS COUNT® Data Book ranking which finds that despite gains in education the state's proficiency rates are still below the national average.
A large-scale study of the Earth’s surface ocean, co-authored by SOEST professor Michael Rappé indicates that the microbes responsible for fixing nitrogen there include an abundant and widely distributed suite of non-photosynthetic bacterial populations.
HIMB Director Ruth Gates says she is amazed by the capacity of badly damaged reefs to recover from past disturbances.
A study led by Mark Hixon, biology professor at UH Mānoa, links dispersal of baby fish with ecology of adults.
The study was a collaboration between the UH Mānoa College of Engineering and the Hawaiʻi State Department of Health.
A dissertation by a UH Mānoa graduate student Xiaodong Sun on homeschooling is one of the most accessed out 2.25 million full-text graduate works across all subject areas.