Presidential Selection Committee final report
The UH Board of Regents has released to the media and the public the Regents Committee on Presidential Selection Final Report to the board.
The UH Board of Regents has released to the media and the public the Regents Committee on Presidential Selection Final Report to the board.
The Board of Regents announced two finalists for UH System president position—Retired Lt. General Francis Wiercinski and UH Interim President David Lassner.
The committee will send a final report to the board prior to its special meeting April 28th.
The University of Hawaiʻi Board of Regents clarify their process for the presidential selection and plan to make the finalists public.
The UH Presidential Selection Committee voted to conduct its own search for the next UH president.
The Presidential Selection Committee revised and adopted the draft President’s Agenda.
The UH Board of Regents Presidential Selection Committee decided to invite three finalist executive search firms to make in-person presentations before making a final selection in the search for a new university president.
Members of the Presidential Search Committee are appearing at various community groups to solicit input and suggestions from Hawaiʻi residents on what they would like to see in UH’s next president.
Watch the Thursday, June 13 episode of Insights on PBS Hawaii, which focuses on the qualities that should be considered in selecting a new university president.
The Board of Regents heard a report from its Presidential Selection Task Group which was charged with examining the logistics of a presidential search.