Hakuoh University Handbell Choir performs at UH Community Colleges and more
The choir will perform a range of selections from Mozart to Moana to “Hawaiʻi Aloha.”
The choir will perform a range of selections from Mozart to Moana to “Hawaiʻi Aloha.”
Windward Community College presents The Epic Voyage of Kāneʻāpua written and directed by Moses Goods and performed by students and alumni at Palikū Theatre.
The project, Stravinsky's lʻHistore du Soldat in ʻōlelo Hawaiʻi, with a chamber ensemble and dance, is the thesis production of Todd Farley who is working on his masters in fine arts.
Windward CC celebrates the holiday season with performances by students and special musical guests during a week of concerts at Palikū Theatre December 3–7.
Windward Community College's A Walking Shadow chronicles the tragic true story of Myles Fukunaga, a mentally ill 19-year-old, who was executed on Oʻahu in 1929.
Windward Community College features a Broadway musical retold through African-American culture and a docudrama based on the execution of Myles Fukunaga.
Congratulations to the University of Hawaiʻi students and faculty for their Poʻokela Award nominations and wins.
Students of the music program are honing their piano, ʻukulele and slack key guitar skills for an end-of-semester concert series at Palikū Theatre.
The conference features speakers and will culminate with the annual Windward CC Pueo Literary and Art Journal book launch and a student film showcase.
Enjoy a unique interactive arts experience on April 7 in and around Palikū Theatre, an event for the whole family.