Coordinated national and global effort needed to understand Earth’s microbiome
Recent publications co-authored by UH Mānoa researcher Margaret McFall-Ngai urge governments to support coordinated research effort on microbiomes.
Recent publications co-authored by UH Mānoa researcher Margaret McFall-Ngai urge governments to support coordinated research effort on microbiomes.
Ocean Station ALOHA has been designated a Milestones in Microbiology site by the American Society for Microbiology.
David Karl was awarded the 2015 Balzan Prize in recognition of his lifetime of impactful research in the field of microbial oceanography.
UH Mānoa’s David Karl joins prestigious honorary society
UH Mānoa professor David Karl recognized by the American Society for Microbiology with distinguished award
Researchers found that microbial communities in different regions of the Pacific Ocean displayed strikingly similar daily rhythms in their metabolism despite inhabiting extremely different habitats.
UH Mānoa oceanography professor Matthew Church awarded the Yentsch-Schindler Early Career Award for research contributions
The UH Foundation announced that $98.6 million was raised to support university students, faculty, research and programs on all 10 campuses.
Scientists discover that communities of ocean microbes have their own daily cycles, results published in Science.
The School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology and the Center for Microbial Oceanography: Research and Education has been awarded $40 million from the Simons Foundation.