Rare video captures humpback whale nursing behaviors in UH Mānoa research
The study used tags equipped with cameras, acoustic recorders, pressure sensors and accelerometers to capture rare video and data.
The study used tags equipped with cameras, acoustic recorders, pressure sensors and accelerometers to capture rare video and data.
Au, an emeritus faculty for the Marine Mammal Research Program, was a pioneer in understanding the echolocation of dolphins and whales.
The UH lab performs necropsies, autopsies on animals, to look for disease and signs of human impacts like ship strikes, entanglements, marine debris ingestion and acoustic trauma.
The video footage collected helps researchers better track humpback whale behavior, habitat use and changes in food due to climate change.
The findings of an international team of researchers, including Lars Bejder from the UH Marine Mammal Research Program, shed light on southern right whales communication.
From online degree programs to a new student success center, a hit radio song to the name of black hole, here are some of this spring's top stories on UH News.
Adam Pack, Lars Bejder and Marc Lammers were featured on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fisheries website for their scientific endeavors.
The Marine Mammal Research Program seeks to identify the specific effects of human activities on marine mammals, and the development of appropriate mitigation and management strategies.
The overall mission of the Marine Mammal Research Program is the conservation of marine mammals.
Whitlow W. L. Au has been named recipient of the gold medal of the Acoustical Society of America for contributions to understanding underwater biosonar.