International student finds community, purpose at UH Mānoa
Despite the challenges of being thousands of miles from family, Ritu Krishna Raju found a second home in Hawaiʻi.
Despite the challenges of being thousands of miles from family, Ritu Krishna Raju found a second home in Hawaiʻi.
Research revealed significant energy demands on lactating mothers and environmental stressors on calf survival and reproduction.
UH researchers uncovered the energy challenges pregnant humpback whales face during migration, especially in their final trimester.
Using drones to successfully assess the age of critically endangered, free-ranging dolphins in Greece is the focus of new research.
Humpback whales manipulate the bubble-nets they create to maximize their food intake in Alaskan feeding grounds.
UH News interviewed whale expert Lars Bejder to hear how innovative technologies are helping experts monitor the health of marine mammals.
The tags are equipped with cameras, hydrophones, accelerometers and depth sensors to provide insights into the daily lives of these marine species.
A new tool to identify 24 species of whales and dolphins was created using facial recognition technology which can identify individual mammals in the wild.
Using drone photographs, researchers from UH Mānoa are now able to determine the age-structure of free-ranging dolphin groups.
Entering Research and Creative Work funding allows students to experience research and creative work without having to write a full project proposal.