Genome sequence of a new bacteria species published by UH Mānoa undergraduates
Yen Nguyen, Jessica Thawley and Alex Lee discover and characterize the second species in the genus Piscirickettsia.
Yen Nguyen, Jessica Thawley and Alex Lee discover and characterize the second species in the genus Piscirickettsia.
Top U.S. scientists, including two UH Mānoa professors, pen open letter on climate urgency.
A study led by UH Mānoa’s Diva Amon discovered impressive diversity among the creatures living on the seafloor in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone.
Whitlow W. L. Au has been named recipient of the gold medal of the Acoustical Society of America for contributions to understanding underwater biosonar.
Researchers find that large areas of intact coral reef, not disturbed by humans or climate change, harbor the greatest amount of genetic diversity
New study co-authored by UH Mānoa assistant professor Craig Nelson explores how microbialization destroys links in delicate marine food chain.
A recent study by researchers at UH Mānoa may finally put to rest the ongoing debate about whether to use cold or heat to treat jellyfish stings.
UH Mānoa researchers announced the discovery of four new species of deep-water algae from Hawaiʻi.
Three UH Hilo graduates and professor Misaki Takabayashi author a chapter in Ethnobiology of Corals and Coral Reefs
UH Mānoa professor Mark Hixon recognized as a first-cohort Fellow of the International Society for Reef Studies