Nanobubble tech could revolutionize aquaculture, aquaponics
Samir Khanal's goal is to uncover new opportunities for improving fish and plant yields—with concomitant improvements in water quality.
Samir Khanal's goal is to uncover new opportunities for improving fish and plant yields—with concomitant improvements in water quality.
The 2021 LaunchPad competition is on February 20.
Both productions will be streamed online, February 5–7.
The coalition of 76 organizations has released an open letter reminding the public that cancer still poses a major threat to people’s health.
Researchers extracted sediment cores from the sea which tell the story of major environmental changes in North Africa over the past 160,000 years.
Students published a scientific review of this stage in planetary evolution that may determine the later atmospheric composition and potential habitability of planets like Earth.
Professor Karl Kim is the editor-in-chief of the March 2021 issue of Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives.
This is the Way We Rise will be featured at Sundance, January 28–February 3.
Everyone has the FOXO3 gene, but only about one-third of us actually have the longevity version.
Public health researchers reveal ways for health care organizations to keep their connections with their patients.