Vanessa Irvin named library and information science fellow
The Center for the Study of Libraries, Information and Society has appointed UH Mānoa’s Vanessa Irvin as a CSLIS Fellow.
The Center for the Study of Libraries, Information and Society has appointed UH Mānoa’s Vanessa Irvin as a CSLIS Fellow.
Helen Wong Smith to serve on the Coalition to Advance Learning in Archives, Libraries and Museums
UH Mānoa Library’s book preservation lab restores an average of more than 2,000 books a year a year.
UH Mānoa Hamilton Library staff, UH administrators, lawmakers and others reflected on what was accomplished 10 years after the October 30th flood.
Award-winning UH Press author Anwei Skinsnes Law on presents New Perspectives on the History of Kalaupapa talk at the UH Mānoa library.
Irene Herold has been named the new university librarian at UH Mānoa effective August 1, 2013.
New resource contains virtually every work printed in England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and British North America and works in English printed during 1473–1700.
Windward’s Out Loud in the Library series presents a public reading, musical celebration and signing for a new book about Hawaiʻi’s diverse musical heritage.
The new Bridge Gallery exhibit looks into the peaceful nonviolent movement against the Nazi regime.
Two UH Mānoa University Librarian candidates will visit the campus between January and February.