Students encouraged to take 15 to Finish
Full-time students at all 10 UH campuses are encouraged to take 15 credits per semester to graduate on time.
Full-time students at all 10 UH campuses are encouraged to take 15 credits per semester to graduate on time.
UH Mānoa’s efforts to preserve endangered languages is highlighted in news coverage of University of Hawaiʻi programs and activities during the past week.
The University of Hawaiʻi celebrates June 2012 faculty and staff anniversaries.
As part of a service learning project, Kauaʻi Community College students hosted a public viewing of this month’s transit of Venus.
A Kauaʻi Community College project gives high school students a head start on college mathematics while encouraging study in STEM-related fields.
The University of Hawaiʻi celebrated at spring commencement ceremonies systemwide.
A new associate degree in Hawaiian studies will be offered at all seven community colleges beginning in fall 2012.
More than 5,000 students are candidates for degrees to be awarded at spring commencement events.
The University of Hawaiʻi celebrates May 2012 faculty and staff anniversaries.
The university will conduct a test of its emergency notification system that provides text message and email alerts.