Native Hawaiian healers share ways to deal with pandemic stress
UH faculty, staff, students and the community are invited to attend a free presentation on April 23.
UH faculty, staff, students and the community are invited to attend a free presentation on April 23.
A PSA and videos produced by the John A. Burns School of Medicine urges the public to reach out to those who may be victims and seek help.
The UH Mānoa Kawaihuelani Center for Hawaiian Language printed COVID-19 safety signs in the state’s native language.
Applications will be accepted via the online UH System Common Scholarship Application from October 1, 2020 to March 1, 2021.
A five-week long virtual series highlighting Hawaiʻiʻs true history and contributions to the Native Hawaiian community will commence on September 2.
The UH Mānoa Hawaiian language department launched a new video series that gives viewers a glimpse into how Hawaiʻi’s mother tongue is perpetuated on campus.
Hawaiʻinuiākea hosts weekly virtual seminars that feature scholars from parts of Polynesia including Aotearoa (New Zealand), Tonga, Marquesas, and Rapa Nui.
Two UH instructors will be honored with Educator of the Year awards at the annual Native Hawaiian Education Association Convention.
UH Mānoa students that expected to travel to Maui for a Hawaiian language course navigate ways to adjust during a pandemic.
A generous $3.2 million gift from the Laurence H. Dorcy Hawaiian Foundation to Hawaiʻinuiākea creates the Dana Naone Hall endowed chair.