Center for Labor Education and Research nationally recognized for documenting Hawaiʻi labor movement
UH West Oʻahu’s Center for Labor Education and Research wins 2016 Reference and User Services Association John Sessions Memorial Award.
UH West Oʻahu’s Center for Labor Education and Research wins 2016 Reference and User Services Association John Sessions Memorial Award.
The site in Palau is believed to be a Japanese military internment and execution area for local, U.S. and British prisoners during World War II.
UH West Hawaiʻi students Christine Baltazar and Rebecca Oshiro recently completed the first Kikaha Undergraduate Research Projects.
UH West Oʻahu to co-sponsor sustainable agriculture education conference at UC Santa Cruz.
UH West Oʻahu’s Chadwick Kamei inducted into the Bandworld Legion of Honor for outstanding work as band director.
Two administrators are welcomed to senior leadership positions at the university.
UH West Oʻahu Chancellor Rockne Freitas joins Polynesian Football Hall of Fame.
Grant awarded to UH West Oʻahu will be used to expand STEM Center of Excellence.
UH West Oʻahu’s David Kupferman and Brenda Machosky to develop Kumu WaiWai: Teaching from the Source program.
UH West Oʻahu Professor Ross Prizzia publishes Climate Change and Disaster Management.