Hawaiian corals show surprising resilience to warming oceans
Three of the most common coral species in Hawaiʻi were studied.
Three of the most common coral species in Hawaiʻi were studied.
Hundreds of molecules that are made by important members of the coral reef community were recently discovered by a team of scientists.
The study identified significant gaps and opportunities for positioning marine protected areas and other effective area-based conservation measures strategically on coral reefs.
A widespread coral bleaching event during the summer of 2015 sparked Mariko Quinn’s determination to conserve Hawaiʻi’s reefs.
Christopher Sabine has devoted his life to understanding the connections between the ocean and anthropogenic carbon.
Research led by scientists at UH Mānoa reveals that the species which dominate experimental coral reef communities shift due to climate change.
The juvenile corals raised from this trans-Caribbean coupling represent the largest wildlife population ever raised from cryopreserved material.
Hixon will deliver a free online lecture on saving Hawaiʻi’s coral reefs.
Researchers discovered a corallimorph recently changed and became much more invasive in reefs at Palmyra Atoll.
This coral not only produces a protein that imparts the deep blue color, but also acts as a natural sunscreen to filter out harmful UV radiation.