Surfing scientists conduct 3D reef research at epic surf break
The MEGA Lab team takes high resolution images to create 3D reconstructions to help provide a better understanding of reef systems.
The MEGA Lab team takes high resolution images to create 3D reconstructions to help provide a better understanding of reef systems.
The team analyzed very high resolution satellite imagery and historical aerial imagery from the 1960s from around the globe.
Stressors analyzed included sea surface temperature, ocean acidification, tropical storms, land use and human population.
UH researchers tagged and collected 600 rice coral colonies across Kāneʻohe Bay, off the windward side of Oʻahu.
Doctoral student Keiko Wilkins has been awarded a highly competitive NOAA Nancy Foster Scholarship.
UH will be awarded up to $25 million by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency to develop an engineered coral reef ecosystem.
Haumāna presented research on a broad range of marine research topics encompassing coral reefs, sharks, whales, monk seals and fishes.
A UH graduate student examined protein and gene expression patterns of lobe corals in Ngermid Bay, Palau.
Researchers quantified five critical ecological processes on more than 500 coral reefs worldwide to understand how these processes relate to each other.
UH Mānoa student researchers revealed that exposing rice coral larvae to warmer temperatures did not improve survival once the coral developed into juveniles.