Indigenous practices could assist endangered waterbird recovery
The findings provide useful information in discussions at the federal level to down-list the endangered aeʻo to the level of “threatened.”
The findings provide useful information in discussions at the federal level to down-list the endangered aeʻo to the level of “threatened.”
Researchers found that of the four marine protected areas around Oʻahu, three did not provide biologically significant benefits for herbivorous fish populations.
The sea urchin hatchery successfully outplanted the first cohort in January 2011 and has since released 600,000 sea urchins across the state.
The Division of Conservation and Resources Enforcement Academy provides experience and academic credits.
To date, there have been a total of 181 confirmed ROD cases on Kauaʻi.
Tropical Forest Ecosystem and Agroforestry Management program celebrates 20 years.
The American Association of University Women assists women in the local community to achieve self-realization through education.
Due to COVID-19, the Hawaiian Rare Plant Program’s plant conservation efforts have significantly slowed down, as plant and seed collection submissions have been greatly reduced.
Limu conservationists are turning to UH Mānoa Hawaiian language students for help with translating common limu terms into Hawaiian.
Alex Bischer and other researchers are making efforts in Maunakea to save the palila, a species of Hawaiian honeycreeper.