From cricket cookies to carnivorous caterpillars: UH museum celebrates Darwin Day
The annual event at UH’s insect museum featured interactive exhibits and an adventurous insect-tasting session.
The annual event at UH’s insect museum featured interactive exhibits and an adventurous insect-tasting session.
UH Hilo marine scientists and students confirmed sewage is reaching nearshore waters, harming coral reefs and posing health risks.
The “Fish Pono: Save Our Reefs” program aims to stem the tide of coral degradation caused by coastal pollution and ocean warming by saving fishes that save corals.
This week's image is from UH Mānoa's Melissa Price.
The 25-year, no-cost lease grants UH Mānoa’s Pacific Cooperative Studies Unit use of a former dog pound site in Hanapēpē.
The Kauaʻi CC loʻi is yielding more than an education in taro.
Research revealed significant energy demands on lactating mothers and environmental stressors on calf survival and reproduction.
The Seed Conservation Lab is one of three storage and propagation facilities that are part of Lyon’s Hawaiian Rare Plant Program.
Researchers plan to extend their surveys beyond the Marshall Islands to better understand the alga’s distribution and ecological role.
UH Hilo biologist Natalie Graham’s goal is to develop methods for early detection using DNA and predictive modeling.