UH Mobile App Hackathon open to UH students
Students from across the UH System are invited to participate in a mobile app coding competition, March 27–29.
Students from across the UH System are invited to participate in a mobile app coding competition, March 27–29.
UH Mānoa announces crew members for second major HI-SEAS space analog study, which will begin on March 28.
UH Mānoa Professor Tamara Ticktin’s paper named one of 100 most influential papers published by the British Ecological Society journals.
Pathways for Excellence and Achievement in Research and Learning (PEARL) participants have produced an online trainer’s guide to help students with research.
University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Professor Monique Chyba honored with the Science and Lectureship Award from Chiba University.
Visualization expert Jason Leigh will be joining UH Mānoa’s information and computer science department in spring 2014.
Researchers from the UH Mānoa are seeking crewmembers for a new series of space exploration analog studies.
UH Mānoa’s Hawaiʻi Space Exploration Analog and Simulation program is performing groundbreaking research on long duration space travel on Mauna Loa.
Edmondson Hall features newly renovated teaching and research laboratories for UH Mānoa’s biology program.
A HI-SEAS study, led by UH Mānoa, has been awarded $1.2 million by NASA to continue research on astronaut performance during long-duration space travels.