2018 spring commencement schedule
The University of Hawaiʻi celebrates at 2018 spring commencement ceremonies systemwide.
The University of Hawaiʻi celebrates at 2018 spring commencement ceremonies systemwide.
Chin will talk about his art as attempts to provide and provoke greater social awareness of toxic situations found in both politics and the environment in the public lecture “Trouble in Mind” on November 15.
The Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowship provides a $25,000 stipend to individuals working to complete a dissertation.
Dai Ho Chun Chair Christopher Newfield presents the lecture “Have We Wrecked Public Universities? If So, How Do We Fix Them?”
Association for Political and Legal Anthropology selected UH Mānoa Associate Professor Alex Golub's book as the winning entry for the 2016 APLA Book Prize competition.
Nadine Shigezawa provides UH Mānoa student veterans with a multitude of services through the Veterans in Transition to Academic Leadership (VITAL) program.
Photographer, cinematographer, geographer and writer Trevor Paglen gives free public lecture at UH Mānoa on January 21.
Dai Ho Chun Chair Naomi Klein presents Capitalism vs. The Climate lecture on February 26.
The UH Mānoa Distinguished Lecture Series features environmentalist and writer Bill McKibben.
Brett L. Walker speaks on “An Environmental History of Terrorism : 9/11, World Trade Center Dust and the Global Nature of New York’s Toxic Bodies.”