New coral disease forecasting system led by UH team
The tool can help end users detect early changes in the environment and better protect coral reef ecosystems.
The tool can help end users detect early changes in the environment and better protect coral reef ecosystems.
UH News interviewed whale expert Lars Bejder to hear how innovative technologies are helping experts monitor the health of marine mammals.
Bruce Howe will continue his efforts to advance the installation of a Science Monitoring And Reliable Telecommunications seafloor cable system in Portugal.
Ashley Mackenzie will co-write a chapter in this historic attempt to take stock of U.S. lands, waters, wildlife, and the benefits provided to our economy.
Researchers will assess how bioenergy generated from agricultural residues and animal manures could contribute to Hawaiʻi’s renewable energy.
Ian Robertson was selected for the highly competitive National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program.
The blue economy are coastal- and ocean-based industries such as aquaculture, biotechnology or blue carbon, where C02 is sequestered from the atmosphere to mitigate climate change.
Chip Fletcher was appointed as special advisor for Climate and Resilience and David Karl was appointed as chair of the Governor’s Advisory Committee on Marine Affairs.
The delegation from Ghana and PDC also visited the Maui County Fire Department for a briefing on the recent Maui wildfire disaster.
UH Mānoa researchers participated in the kick-off meeting hosted by the Marine Corps Base Hawaiʻi for the Koʻolau Poko Resilience Review project.