English professor receives Fulbright Award to India
UH Manoa’s S. Shankar, will teach andconduct research at the Indian Institute of Technology-Madras, in Chennai, India.
UH Manoa’s S. Shankar, will teach andconduct research at the Indian Institute of Technology-Madras, in Chennai, India.
The systemwide award recognizes the efforts of an individual from any facilities management office who has exhibited sustained superior performance in a maintenance, landscaping, custodial, shop or trucking position.
Kapiʻolani CC student Nathaniel Weeks was awarded the Masaki and Momoe Kunimoto Memorial Award for Outstanding Contributions in Vocational Education.
Members of the UH Hilo community honored for scholarly work, innovation and service.
The 2017 Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Research was awarded to Christoph J. Baranec, James Dean Brown and Jeffrey R. Kuhn.
Each year, the chancellor recognizes the leadership and service of UH Mānoa faculty, staff and students committed to enhancing the university’s mission of excellence.
Kamada is in the John A. Burns School of Medicine's Early Admission to Doctor of Medicine program.
UH Community Colleges’ Sector Mapping Tool was awarded the 2017 Bernice Joseph Award.
Hawaiʻi Foundation honors long-term historic property monitoring plan for UH managed lands on Maunakea.
The only non-credit accredited program of its kind in Hawaiʻi received the annual merit award for achieving 100 percent graduate pass rate on the CST examination cycle.