Strange lonely planet found without a star
An international team of astronomers has discovered a young planet—PSO J318.5-22—that is not orbiting a star.
An international team of astronomers has discovered a young planet—PSO J318.5-22—that is not orbiting a star.
The Institute for Astronomy’s Haleakalā and the Mauna Kea observatories assists in tracking manmade space junk and asteroids.
The top scientific conference in the fields of space optics, imaging and surveillance is being held on Maui with the participation and support of the University of Hawaiʻi.
UH Mānoa astronomers Brent Tully, Helene Courtois and an international team of researchers map motions of the nearby universe in three-dimensional detail.
UH Mānoa NASA Astrobiology Institute discover chemical in Martian meteorite that may play an important role in the origin of life on Earth.
UH Mānoa astronomer Guenther Hasinger and team discover the existence of black holes during initial galaxy formation.
Activities and exhibits attract kids and families to the the annual open house of the Institute for Astronomy.
The BESIII Experiment team, which includes UH Mānoa’s High Energy Physics Group, reported that the Y(4260) particle decays to a new particle.
UH Mānoa’s Institute for Astronomy hold their annual open house at its Manoa headquarters on on April 14.
An anonymous $3 million gift to the Institute for Astronomy will allow Pan-STARRS to continue astronomy research of global import.