Surface of Jupiter’s moon Europa may have conditions for life
New research and modeling, led by a UH planetary sciences researcher, estimates how far down that surface is disturbed by the process called “impact gardening.”
New research and modeling, led by a UH planetary sciences researcher, estimates how far down that surface is disturbed by the process called “impact gardening.”
Keck Observatory and data from UH Pan-STARRS helped characterize the dead star, which is about the size of the Moon.
The find is expected to provide new insights into the life and death of stars
Five asteroids have recently been named in honor of IfA astronomers.
Five IfA students earned a wide range of awards, many including scholarships and fellowships.
Karen Meech discusses with the BOR the unit’s research accolades and essential collaboration with telescopes in Hawaiʻi.
IfA Astronomer Karen Meech will headline virtual conversation about interstellar object ʻOumuamua.
Pan-STARRS spots three asteroids, one of them, about the size of 1½ football fields, which hadn’t been seen since 2001.
The Maunakea Management Board approved part of the Site Decommission Plan for the CSO observatory on Maunakea.
More than a thousand viewers from as far as Hong Kong and India tuned into IfA’s livestream of the total lunar eclipse on May 26.