First place finish in national business competition for accounting students
The team won first place and a $1,000 prize.
The team won first place and a $1,000 prize.
Each team member received a $1,000 scholarship award.
The School of Accountancy and School of Travel Industry Management were recognized for their outstanding school and community service.
Matt and Erin Takamine establish a $50,000 scholarship for the Shidler College of Business to benefit undergraduate students pursuing a degree in accounting.
The center will serve as a multifunctional room for student and professional development activities, including CPA review classes, and as a meeting room for the accounting clubs.
The Shidler College of Business School of Accountancy established a new scholarship named after Manny Sylvester, former managing partner of Coopers and Lybrand.
The Clifford and Blanche Hee Endowed Scholarship in Honor of Thomas and Michael Hee was established in 2002.
The students applied their classroom learning by volunteering to help residents with tax preparation through a collaboration with Goodwill Industries of Hawaiʻi.
Faculty members, Tommylynn Benavente and Roy Kamida, and graduate Shaylyn Funasaki receive recognition for success in their fields.
The bachelor of arts in business administration program has been accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs.