Bamboo Ridge writers celebrate 45 years of local stories at Windward CC literary event

Windward Community College
Bonnie J. Beatson, (808) 235-7374
Marketing and Public Relations Director, Chancellor's Office
Susan Lee St. John, (808) 236-9226
Assistant Professor/Out Loud coordinator, Humanities
Posted: Feb 23, 2024

Bamboo Ridge Journal of Hawai‘i Literature and Arts
Bamboo Ridge Journal of Hawai‘i Literature and Arts
Bamboo Ridge Journal of Hawai‘i Literature and Arts
Bamboo Ridge Journal of Hawai‘i Literature and Arts

Six writers will be reading their works from Bamboo Ridge Journal of Hawai‘i Literature and Arts' 45th anniversary issue, “da BIG Issue #124, a bamboocha collection of poetry and stories” at Windward Community College's Out Loud in the Library! on Wednesday, March 13 from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. The free event will take place in the Hale La‘akea Library first floor.

With contributions from 68 emerging and established writers, Bamboo Ridge Issue #124 features poems and stories that explore themes of cultural identity, art, resistance and community. The collection honors the resilience of local storytelling and Hawaii’s literary spirit, reaffirming a commitment to foster, embrace and preserve Asian American and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander voices. Issue #124 is one of the largest in the press’ history.

Event Details

Bamboo Ridge Reading

Wednesday, March 13, 2024, 6–7:30 p.m.

Hale La‘akea Library, first floor

Free event, free parking

The Writers

Donald Carreira Ching was born and raised in Kahaluʻu. His novel, Between Sky and Sea: a Family's Struggle, was published by Bamboo Ridge Press. In 2018, he received the Elliot Cades Award for Literature. He is currently working on his short story collection, Blood Work and Other Stories.

Milton Kimura has lived in Pittsburgh for the past 10 years after living his first 65 years in Honolulu. He travels to opera and symphony concerts, tutors for Literacy Pittsburgh, and shovels snow, getting better at all three.

Marion Lyman-Mersereau: Poetry has always been her way of processing experience but she loves a good page-turner. Although not a fan of noir detective novels, Lyman-Mersereau is inspired by Scott Kikkawa’s books.

Misty-Lynn Sanico writes “any kine” in Honolulu. Scars is a semi-autobiographical ghost story. Find her online @mistysanico.

Michelle Cruz Skinner was born and raised in the Philippines. She is the author of Balikbayan (Bess Press) and In the Company of Strangers (Bamboo Ridge Press).

Ken Tokuno lives in Kāne‘ohe where he writes prose, as opposed to poetry. This is his second short story in Bamboo Ridge, along with eight poems previously published.

Out Loud in the Library! celebrates its 10th anniversary of literary and music events by local artists, and is meant to inspire and encourage students to find their own creative voice through writing, reading, poetry, music, spoken word, and the visual arts.

For more information, contact Susan Lee St. John, assistant professor of language arts and Out Loud in the Library! coordinator at (808) 236-9226 or




SEO: Windward Community College, Out Loud in the Library!, literature, poetry, prose, short stories, local authors, Bamboo Ridge, 45th anniversary

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