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Sixty-three members of the class of 2018 at the John A. Burns School of Medicine (JABSOM) at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa learned where they will begin their careers as new doctors in the next phase of training, which is required before they can begin practicing medicine on their own. The process of being accepted into post-medical school graduate medical education is called Match Day.

The medical school students, who will receive their degrees this May, matched into 15 different medical specialties in 13 states, including Hawaiʻi.

JABSOM continues to be a national leader in producing physicians who have primary contact with patients—those working the front lines of caregiving where doctor shortages are most critically felt.

The traditional primary-care specialties include family medicine, internal medicine and pediatrics, and additional primary contact fields that include emergency medicine and obstetrics and gynecology.

Altogether, 63 percent of the members of the JABSOM class of 2018 are becoming primary-care doctors.

large group of medical students
The John A. Burns School of Medicine class of 2018 after the Match Day ceremony. (Photo by Deborah Manog)

See the full story on the JABSOM website.

—By Tina Shelton

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