The University of Hawaiʻi System Office of Human Resources is accepting nominations to represent the University of Hawaiʻi for the 2012 Governor’s Awards in three categories:
- Distinguished State Service (Employee of the Year)
- State Manager of the Year
- Team of the Year
These awards are designed to honor employees and managers who exemplify the highest caliber of public service and dedication to serving the people of Hawaiʻi.
In 2011, as the former vice chancellor for student affairs at Windward Community College, Lui Hokoana was honored as the State Manager of the Year for his outstanding ability as a leader and manager while working on student recruitment and community outreach, accessing grants to enable training and development for faculty and staff, developing a mentoring program and promoting academic support strategies to improve student development. Hokoana is currently the associate vice president for student affairs. Read more about him.
A memo from President M.R.C. Greenwood, detailed instructions, nomination forms and selection criteria for the three award categories may be viewed at the OHR homepage.
The deadline to submit nominations is Friday, May 18, 2012.
Submit nominations by:
- file drop—file drop email to Darrick Tanigawa (darrickt) of OHR. Go online for more information on what File Drop is and how to use it.
- fax—(808) 956-3952
- mail—System Office of Human Resources, 2440 Campus Road, Administrative Services Building #2, Honolulu, Hawaiʻi 96822
If you have any questions or require additional information, please call OHR at (808) 956-8643.