Well over half of the Hawaiʻi physicians identified as Honolulu Magazine’s Top Doctors for 2016 are alumni and faculty of the John A. Burns School of Medicine.
The list of Top Doctors of Hawaiʻi includes 350 graduates or medical professors from the medical school at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa. The healthcare research firm Castle Connolly Medical, Ltd. identified 558 physicians statewide for the honor, based on surveys asking physician peers who they respect the most.
The Top Doctors issue comes the same month as the Hawaiʻi Physician Workforce Assessment reported that the state currently has 500 fewer doctors than its population needs.
- Related UH News story: Doctor supply grew but statewide shortage is still apparent, September 12, 2016
“Maintaining and growing our medical school is the most effective way to reduce the shortage, because doctors who learn their skills in Hawaiʻi—especially during the residency training which immediately follows medical school—overwhelmingly stay to practice here,” said Jerris Hedges, John A. Burns School of Medicine dean and Barry and Virginia Weiman Endowed Chair.
The John A. Burns School of Medicine oversees 230 residents and fellows annually in 22 post-medical school training programs at its partner healthcare settings, the major community-based medical centers in Hawaiʻi.
—By Tina Shelton