The New Arts Lecture Series, in conjunction with the New Media Arts Animation program at Kapiʻolani Community College presents Pixar artists Pete Docter, Bob Pauley, and Jerome Ranft for Designing a Pixar Film: Our Journey Into Insanity, a presentation at the Punahou School campus auditorium.
From concept to completion, Docter, Pauley, and Ranft will discuss the in-depth process of creating, writing, and designing a film at Pixar. Featuring behind-the-scenes photos and drawings, these three will discuss their work from the perspectives of director, production designer, and sculptor.
Docter just received the Oscar for Inside Out, which he wrote and directed. All three artists have been working at Pixar since the 90s. Together they have worked on almost all the films Pixar has released including: Toy Story (1, 2, and 3), Monsters, Inc., WALL-E, Up, Cars, Finding Nemo, Ratatouille, John Carter, Brave, and Inside Out.
Event info
The Designing a Pixar Film: Our Journey Into Insanity presentation will take place on Wednesday, April 27 from 7-9 p.m. in the Lake Auditorium at Punahou School Wo Center. The event is free and open to the public and there is no reserved seating.
To RSVP, contact Sharon Sussman via email.