This week’s UH News Image of the Week is a Wayback Wednesday from the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa.
On February 19, 1964 Martin Luther King Jr. delivered a speech to UH Mānoa students, faculty, staff and community members on the subject of “Progress Toward Desegregation” at Andrews Outdoor Theatre. About 10,000 listeners jammed the seats in the outdoor amphitheater, filling the grass in the center and spilling over onto the lawn outside the wall to hear King describe how his people are using, “moral means to achieve moral ends.”
Read the UH News story about King’s message of hope at UH Mānoa and read the Ka Leo o Hawaiʻi coverage of the event.
All UH campuses will observe the Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday on January 15.
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Congrats fall 2023 grads!
What’s up this week?
Early morning walk
Relief letter print
Flower and the bee
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