Ka Leo O Hawaiʻi, the student led newspaper for the University’s Mānoa campus, has won five awards in the past two months, including best student newspaper in the state.
The Hawaiʻi Publishers Association awarded Ka Leo first place for School Newspaper Excellence in its annual Paʻi Awards. Five college newspapers from around the state entered papers in that category. Windward Community College was awarded second place.
The judge said Ka Leo had “clean, crisp and consistent design; solid reporting and writing; broad coverage across a wide range of student, faculty and community interests. The fact that this newspaper publishes three times a week is a tremendous testimony to the commitment of students at the University of Hawaiʻi to do the hard work necessary to do good journalism.”
At the annual, national convention of the College Newspaper and Business and Advertising Managers in San Diego, Ka Leo won three, first place awards for best event promotion, best online display advertisement and best sales increase of a special issue. The paper was also awarded third place for its printed rate card. Student advertising sales executive Priya Singh took first place for best pitch project. Ka Leo topped rival schools such as the University of Texas at Austin, Pennsylvania State University, University of Kansas and Central Michigan University.
Ka Leo editors also have earned paid summer internships from the Hawaiʻi chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists. Outgoing Editor in Chief Marc Arakaki will work with Hawaiʻi News Now and Associate News Editor Alex Bitter will serve Honolulu magazine.