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To assist student employees who are experiencing reduced hours, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Provost Michael Bruno has launched the SE Covid-19 Relief initiative.

The initiative, supported by the Mānoa Career Center, would move student employees who are unable to perform their normal duties remotely to units and worksites that are in need of student help. The students would continue to be paid by their original department or program.

In order to succeed, the initiative is seeking sponsor employers who are unable to accommodate student employees but are willing to continue paying for their current students to work at a host site, as well as host employers who are willing to take new students.

“As we all know, these students rely on their wages to pay for essential needs, including their tuition,” said Bruno in an email to UH Mānoa offices. “Your participation in the SE Covid-19 Relief is so important to the thousands of Mānoa students who need our help.”

Programs and units interested in becoming sponsor employers and allow student employees to work in another department can fill out the SE Covid-19 Relief Sponsor Employer form.

For those interested in hosting a student employee, the work offered must not replace or take away from the work of a full-time or regular employee. The work environment must include supervision (including online), safe working conditions and social distancing. Working from home is preferred. Units interested in hosting student employees to perform relief work can complete the SE Covid-19 Relief Host Employer form.

The Mānoa Career Center will assist student employees and supervisors. Inquiries about SE Covid-19 Relief can be sent to

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