This message was shared with the students, faculty and staff of the 10-campus University of Hawaiʻi system on November 6, 2024.
Aloha e to our beloved UH ʻOhana,
We have just concluded the most divisive and bitter national election in recent memory. We have UH students, faculty and staff outraged and afraid alongside UH students, faculty and staff pleased with the outcome. Both have their reasons.
None of us as individuals have control over the election results. But every one of us as individuals have control over our own behavior, in particular, how we interact with others in what would have been challenging times for some of us no matter the outcome. Every one of us can commit to engage with aloha.
We can each prioritize our relationships, especially with those who hold views very different than our own.
We can each choose to engage or not with others with whom we disagree, whether friends, family or strangers. We have the choice to ignore that email or social media posting, to walk away with a smile from a conversation we are not ready for.
If we choose to engage with others with whom we disagree, we can do so in a manner that maximizes the chances for understanding rather than more conflict.
- We can listen not just to what people are saying, but use the opportunity to try to understand why they believe differently than we do.
- We can end discussions without escalating to anger or personal attacks, even if we do not come to agreement.
Most of all, please take care of yourselves and those around you. We know that post-election times can stress all of our physical and mental health. If you need help please do not hesitate to seek it out on campus, from family, or friends.
E mālama pono,
David Lassner
UH President