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The University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa’s Nancy Atmospera-Walch School of Nursing (NAWSON) recently launched the Hui to promote Opportunities for the development of Nurse Scientists (HONU) program, designed to enhance student learning skills in nursing research. HONU, a faculty-student organization, aims to foster mentoring, professional and peer networking and other activities that promote the development of nurse scientists.

I’m excited about learning more about designing studies and seeing them implemented…
—Roman Miguel Dole, Nursing student

HONU was formed to encourage nursing students to learn more about nursing-led research and inspire them to consider careers where they can actively advance nursing science,” said Gary Glauberman, faculty advisor for HONU and NAWSON assistant professor. “Hawaiʻi’s nurses have a lot to contribute to the nursing field, and by engaging in research early in their careers, nursing students can significantly impact programs, policies and practices that improve nursing care.”

Through the program, students will have the opportunity to work closely with nursing scientist faculty to develop research skills and knowledge while working on a small research project linked to the main line of research.

“The experience that students will gain extends beyond any research course,” said Donna-Marie Palakiko, NAWSON assistant professor. “They are part of a research team and will learn about team science, community partnership and being a trusted researcher.”

HONU launch event

classroom shot
A launch event for HONU was held in June.

Nearly 50 student participants attended a launch event in June, where they were introduced to the HONU program and had the opportunity to meet nursing faculty members Holly Fontenot, Samia Dutra, Glauberman, Cynthia Greywolf, Merle Kataoka-Yahiro and Palakiko.

Roman Miguel Dole, an undergraduate nursing student attended the event and is excited about the program’s offerings.

“I was able to learn about the ‘behind-the-scenes’ of research. It has introduced me to new approaches to conducting my own studies, such as using a pilot study, selecting a population properly, and adapting methods from other researchers,” he said. “I’m excited about learning more about designing studies and seeing them implemented to benefit the intended audience.”

HONU also facilitates nursing students’ participation in the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program at UH Mānoa, which provides financial and programmatic support for students to engage in mentored research.

For more information, contact Glauberman at

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