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detail of portrait of crowd
UH Mānoa art student Mari Matsuda, Hell, No, We Ain’t Moving, woodcut print on paper.

Artworks by talented haumāna (students) from the University of Hawaiʻi have found a new home for public viewing. The Hawaiʻi State Foundation on Culture and the Arts (SFCA) has acquired six pieces, adding them to its Art in Public Places Collection.

These artworks, including woodcut prints, a glass sculpture, and oil painting, will be showcased in various state government locations across Hawaiʻi, such as schools, libraries and Capitol Modern (Hawaiʻi State Art Museum).

Among the featured artists are three graduate students from the UH Mānoa art and art history department: Mari Matsuda, Enrico Battan and Erik Sullivan. Their pieces were part of the “Still Standing” exhibit on the Mānoa campus which highlighted works by MFA candidates in spring 2024.

Five of these artworks caught the eye of the Art Acquisition Selection Committee during their visit to the exhibit in March. Following approval by the SFCA Board of Commissioners on May 15, these pieces were added to the collection.

Saxony Charlot, an undergraduate in environmental studies at UH Hilo also had her piece “Koa Bug Colorways” acquired by SFCA. Her artwork was originally displayed at the Hawaiʻi Nei Art exhibition in Hilo in 2023.

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