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University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Athletics posted an all-sport Academic Performance Rate (APR) score of 970 for the academic year 2022–23 in figures released by the NCAA on June 4. The multiyear score is an average of all UH sports and based out of 1,000.

Among the highlights this year included both men’s and women’s basketball teams equaling their sports’ respective national averages at 967 and 981, respectively. Women’s basketball’s multiyear score increased 12 points from the previous season and is its highest score in seven years. In addition, four other teams—men’s swim and dive, men’s tennis, softball and women’s volleyball—scored above their respective sports’ national averages.

Women’s golf saw the biggest jump among UH’s 18 teams with a 29-point increase from last year. Four teams posted perfect single-year scores of 1,000-men’s tennis, women’s basketball, women’s golf and women’s volleyball.

Teams with a four-year score below 930 or a 950 average over the most recent two years, can be penalized by a loss of scholarships and post-season ban. For the 16th consecutive year, no UH team will be penalized with loss of scholarship.

The APR is calculated based on the number of student-athletes on scholarship and those who are retained and remain eligible for competition. The multi-year rate includes single-year scores from the past four academic years (2019–20, 2020–21, 2021–22, and 2022–23). The overall goal of measuring APRs is to encourage improved academic performance and help institutional administrators examine admission policies, retention and graduation rates, and improve academic support for student-athletes. Only student-athletes on scholarship are factored into the APR scores.

UH fields 21 intercollegiate sports programs, however, the NCAA’s APR only includes 18 as indoor and outdoor track and field are counted as one score and coed and women’s sailing are non-NCAA sports.

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