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marketing council holding their awards
From left, Iris Greges, Lesli Yogi, Bonnie Beatson, Tad Saiki, Lisa Yamamoto, Marc Antosch

Windward Community College brought home gold and silver Paragon Awards from the National Council for Marketing & Public Relations (NCMPR) annual conference held in Seattle in March. The recognition for outstanding achievements in design and communication was significant, given the competition among more than 1,500 entries from 210 community and technical colleges across the country.

“This is big news for our campus, and the University of Hawaiʻi Community College system!” said Bonnie J. Beatson, Windward CC marketing communications director, who accepted both awards.”I am so proud of the talent we have on our campus.”

two people holding awards
Abby Worthley and Nakoa Camvel with their Paragon Awards.

The gold Paragon Award was in the social media post category for “Sophia Kaaawa-Aweau commencement speech,” which was filmed and edited by alumnus Nakoa Camvel. Camvel, who is also a graduate of UH West Oʻahu’s Academy for Creative Media, is a media specialist and teaches a social media class at Windward CC.

The silver Paragon Award was in the computer-generated illustration category for the “The Korean Triplets Stars” illustration for an online Imaginarium Star Show created by students Alex Daraban and Abby Worthley. (View a video on the making of this illustration: ΩçTriplets Star Story: The Making of (Art and Visuals)”

“When you tell your college’s story well, you ensure that students can find themselves, and the supports and services they need, at your institution,” said Jeff Julian, NCMPR’s 2023–24 president. “It’s evident in the winning entries that our members are committed to serving their students.”

The national winners were among four Windward CC projects that won gold NCMPR District 6 Medallion Awards in November.

Beatson holding award
Bonnie Beatson
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