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Nearly 200 University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa students rubbed shoulders and learned first-hand from technology industry employers. The Careers in Tech and Intelligence Fair on February 9 at UH Mānoa’s Campus Center kicked off the spring 2024 events for Hawaiʻi Tech Days, a series of events designed to connect high school and college students with high-demand information technology (IT) careers in local companies.

people standing and talking

UH IT Workforce Development and Regulated Policy Lead Alan Ito, who has decades of experience in IT, said the exposure to recruiters is a vital step to landing a future career.

“It’s important that students interact as much as possible with Hawaiʻi-based employers, especially if they plan to stay in the state after they graduate,” Ito said. “They need to understand what kinds of technologies local employers are using and initiatives they’re working on to better prepare them to enter the job market. They can also learn about possible internships they can participate in and what kinds of entry-level positions employers are seeking.”

people talking to each other by a desk

The fair was co-organized by students in UH Mānoa’s Association for Computing Machinery, in collaboration with the UH System, Pacific Intelligence and Innovation Initiative and Chamber of Commerce Hawaii.

“The world after graduation is full of enrichment and opportunities, but it’s difficult to know where to start without any structure. As a student, I really benefit from events that help us start to make connections and gain familiarity with the career field,” said Liliana Royer, a senior computer science major and Association for Computing Machinery member in charge of the fair.

Among the approximately 30 participating companies were the FBI, National Security Agency and Hawaiian Airlines.

UH Mānoa’s Association for Computing Machinery is housed in the Information and Computer Sciences Department in the College of Natural Sciences.

Hawaiʻi Tech Days upcoming events

  • Careers in IT and Cyber Fair, February 21, 10 a.m.–1.p.m. at UH West Oʻahu; Campus Center Multi-Purpose Room (C-208): Part of the UH West Oʻahu‘s two-day Career Fair. For students interested in internship, practicum, part-time, full-time and volunteer positions in IT and cybersecurity.
  • Careers in IT and Cyber Fair—Virtual Connections, February 21, 10 a.m.–1 p.m., Virtual via Zoom: Unable to join the in-person Careers in IT and Cyber Fair? Schedule a chat with participating employers to learn about a career in IT and cybersecurity.

To view a full listing of upcoming events and to register for them, visit the Hawaiʻi Tech Days website.

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