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Five people standing and smiling

This week’s UH News Image of the Week is from the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa What’s up This Week? crew.

Bobo, Carly, Emily, Janica and Quentin have been letting UH Mānoa students know ‘What’s up this week” this semester through weekly Instagram reels (like this!) as well as useful info about the campus (like this!) and reminding them of the weekly student email with even more info (important deadlines, events, opportunities and news). Mahalo for your creative energy and big smiles!

Previous Images
Early morning walk
Relief letter print
Flower and the bee
Aloha Attire
All Images of the Week

Send us your image!

Want to get in on the action? The next UH News Image of the Week could be yours! Submit a photo, drawing, painting, digital illustration of a project you are working on, a moment from a field research outing or a beautiful and/or interesting shot of a scene on your campus. It could be a class visit during which you see an eye-catching object or scene.

Please include a brief description of the image and its connection to your campus, class assignment or other UH connection. By submitting your image, you are giving UH News permission to publish your photo on the UH News website and UH social media accounts. The image must be your original work, and anyone featured in your image needs to give consent to its publication.

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