This week’s UH News Image of the Week is from University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo’s Saxony Charlot, an undergraduate student in environmental studies.
Charlot shared, “Over the summer I had the opportunity to spend time in Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge through my work at the LOHE Lab at UH Hilo. There I helped with ongoing bioacoustics projects focused on recording bird species in the area, which included many endangered Hawaiian honeycreepers. I was able to see endemic birds that I have wanted to see for many years, including ʻakepa, which quickly stole my heart. I drew this ʻakepa with ʻohelo berries, partially inspired by my experiences in the field, and also inspired by a biologist who suggested this lesser-known ecological pairing.”
- Related UH News story: $10K prize to winner of native birdsong coding competition, February 22, 2022
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