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Group of students with a statue of Shakespeare
(From left, standing) Austin J. Yoshida, Kaleialoha Froning, Reece Flores, Noah Nakachi, Jake Cillian Wolf, statue of Shakespeare and Thomalin Sirivattha. (Seated from left) Avi Tate and Alysia Kepaa

This week’s UH News Image of the Week is from Windward Community College Lecturer Taurie Kinoshita and features Windward CC theatre students at the Royal Shakespeare Company’s (RSC) theatre in Stratford-upon-Avon, UK.

Kinoshita shared, “Windward CC‘s UK Footholds Shakespeare Experience Study Abroad program takes students to England every July, for two weeks. Students spend one week at E15 in London (the top rated acting conservatoire in the UK) training all day with master teachers and watching some of the best plays in the evenings (at the National Theatre, The Globe, The Barbican etc). The students spend their second week in Stratford-upon-Avon, the birthplace and hometown of William Shakespeare. In Stratford-upon-Avon, students work with actors, voice teachers (such as Sir Ian McKellan’s vocal coach) and directors from the RSC (one of the most renowned and respected theatre companies in the English-speaking world), and also with the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust (whose scholars include knights and dames.)

The Windward CC UK Footholds Shakespeare Experience Study Abroad program is open to all UH System students by taking Theatre 225 in the spring (a preparation course.) Most of the expenses are paid for by grants and donations. (It’s important for us that we keep the costs minimal so this program is accessible to anyone!)”

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