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University of Hawaii seal and Bachman Hall

The first draft of the University of Hawaiʻi Strategic Plan 2023–2029 is on track to be available for public review and input in September after the completion of a public survey in July. A final draft is scheduled to go to the UH Board of Regents for approval in November that will provide another opportunity for public input.

The UH Board of Regents received an update on the UH Strategic Plan 2023–2029 initiative at the August 18 monthly full board meeting. UH President Lassner presented the key imperatives and objectives (PDF) identified in the public survey, internal survey of UH community members and feedback received at virtual town halls.

The UH Third Decade Report (PDF), UH Strategic Directions 2015–2021 and UH post-pandemic plans are also being used to help guide the development of the UH Strategic Plan 2023–2029.

Public survey results

The public survey was administered by SMS Research and Marketing Services Inc. and asked respondents to rank six priorities for the future of the university that were designed with the greater public in mind. Here is the final list starting with the highest-ranked priority:

  1. Provide the scientific and intellectual capacity to address Hawaiʻi‘s problems and opportunities, particularly around sustainability, energy and climate resilience
  2. Educate and train Hawaiʻi residents for Hawaiʻi‘s jobs
  3. Drive economic diversification and development across the islands through research, innovation, entrepreneurship and technology
  4. Increase the number of Hawaiʻi residents who have education/training beyond a high school diploma, targeting those who have been under-represented
  5. Increase access to more programs for students and communities throughout the state
  6. Sustain and support Hawaiian language, culture and people
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