University of Hawaiʻi President David Lassner provided updates on the tenure task force, progress on the strategic plan and highlighted the success of UH Mānoa athletics in 2022 in his monthly report to the Board of Regents on April 21.
- COVID-19 good news (video)
- Tenure task force next steps (video)
- Strategic plan progress report (video)
- Extramural funding at record pace (video)
- Fall registration is underway (video)
- UH Mānoa athletics shines bright (video)
UH Vice President for Budget and Finance/CFO Kalbert Young provided an update on the current legislative session, which ends on May 5. Young provided a status report on UH’s budget request, breakdown of the recently approved Senate budget bill and updates on other bills of interest including the measure that proposes changes to the management of Maunakea.
- 2022 Legislative Session (video)
- Supplemental budget—Operating (video)
- Supplemental budget—Capital Improvement Projects (video)
- Supplemental budget provisos (video)
- Legislative package (video)
- Bills of interest—Board of Regents (video)
- Bills of interest—Healthcare (video)
- Bills of interest—Maunakea (video)
- Bills of interest—OHA/Pro Rata (video)
- Bills of interest—Procurement (video)
- Bills of interest—Residency (video)
- Bills of interest—Assets (video)
- Board of Regent nominees (video)
- Legislative calendar (video)
- Regent questions (video)
See previous president’s reports to the Board of Regents.