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The University of Hawaiʻi is asking for students, faculty and staff to participate in the development of the next UH Strategic Plan to guide the 10 campus system from 2023 through 2029. The new plan will replace the existing UH Strategic Plan. UH President David Lassner sent an email on March 8 to UH students and employees outlining the timeline for the plan development and asking everyone to participate.

Related website: Strategic Planning Website

“I hope that you will lend your voice, experience and aloha to this important participatory process,” said Lassner. “Our current UH Strategic Directions have guided us at a high level, and our post-pandemic plans have helped us focus on what Hawaiʻi needs most from public higher education during these challenging times. Please note the opportunities for each of you to participate in the work this calendar year.”

  • March: Appointment of UH-wide Steering Committees
    All campuses and shared governance groups have been invited to submit names to be considered for appointment to the UH strategic plan steering committee.
  • April: UH Community Internal Survey
    Faculty, staff and students will be invited to respond to an initial survey on the thematic recommendations and strategies that emerged from core planning documents including the “Reimagining” report (PDF), Post-Pandemic Hawaiʻi and UH, the Third Decade Report (PDF) and the Integrated Academic and Facilities Plan (PDF).
  • Early May: Feedback on Input
    Following analysis and review of survey results, town hall discussions will be held on and off UH campuses with internal and external constituents and stakeholders.
  • June–August: First Draft
    Steering committee begins to develop the first draft of the plan including goals, strategies, tactics and recommended metrics.
  • September: Review of and Consultation on First Draft
    Governance groups, all members of the UH community and external stakeholders will be invited to provide input and suggestions.
  • October: Refine Draft
    Steering committee continues to refine the draft plan based on feedback with attention to assignment of responsibilities, timelines and resource requirements.
  • November–December: Approval Process
    Proposed UH Strategic Plan 2023–2029 presented to the UH Board of Regents for consideration of approval at a public meeting following public testimony.

“It is an aggressive timeline, but it will help us all to have a new UH Strategic Plan in place as soon as feasible,” said Lassner. “I hope you will join me in the planning for our future, a future that is bright because of each and every one of you.”

An email will be sent in April to all students, faculty and staff with a link to the survey on the thematic recommendations and strategies. More information can be found on the UH Strategic Plan 2023–2029 website.

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