A cardiopulmonary wireless stethoscope and supercooling technology for perishable foods and biological materials. These are two of the dozens of University of Hawaiʻi projects that were granted a U.S.. patent in the last seven years.
Since 2014, UH projects have been issued more than 45 U.S. patents, 350 inventions have been disclosed, and more than $1.5 million in royalty revenue has been collected. With two months remaining in fiscal year 2021, UH has already surpassed its goals with 63 disclosed inventions (goal of 48), seven U.S. patents issued (goal of five), 151 active licenses/option agreements processed (goal of 144) and more than $265,000 in royalty revenue received (goal of $250,000).

These are some of UH’s research successes shared by UH Office of Innovation and Commercialization (OIC) Interim Director Steve Auerbach to the UH Board of Regents Committee on Research and Innovation at its virtual meeting on June 3.
“UH is in a key position to drive economic development and diversify Hawaiʻi’s economy through the talent from our students, faculty and staff,” Auerbach said. “Innovation and entrepreneurship will play a significant role in helping to reshape our world post COVID-19.”
New playbook
OIC’s mission is to bridge connections and build partnerships between UH, the community and the world; strategically advance discoveries; and inspire innovators and entrepreneurs to create new opportunities for Hawaiʻi. Auerbach shared with the regents committee the office’s new strategy founded on collaborative partnerships with industry, government and the community that integrates programs focusing on how products go from idea generation, to commercialization and finally their impact on the community.
Auerbach also shared UH’s innovation ecosystem, which features more than a dozen external industry partners such as Hawaiʻi Tech Bridge, Hawaiʻi Technology Development Corporation and the National Security Innovation Network, and several internal partners, including the Pacific Asian Center for Entrepreneurship and the Mānoa Innovation Center.
Recent successes include securing a $2.7 million grant to grow UH entrepreneurship, workforce development programs and developing a new partnership with the National Security Innovation Network.
“We invite students, faculty and staff from all 10 campuses to take part in one of our programs,” Auerbach said. “If you have an idea, we can foster that idea and help it impact the world in a positive way.”