The Masaki and Momoe Kunimoto Memorial Award was established by Tadashi and Elizabeth Kunimoto to honor the founders of Chikara Products, Inc., specializing in Hawaiʻi foods such as Aloha Tofu, Maui Natto and Chikara Konnyaku. This award is given in alternate years: on even years to a faculty member, and on odd years to a student, who makes a significant contribution to career and technical education in the University of Hawaiʻi Community Colleges.
Sierra-Lynn Harada-Stone
Sierra-Lynn Harada-Stone, a business student at Kauaʻi Community College, is the recipient of the 2021 Masaki and Momoe Kunimoto Memorial Award.
On top of excelling in academics, Harada-Stone’s exemplary teamwork and leadership skills engaged her peers in group projects. In fall 2019, her class operated a pop-up coffee shop named HI Joe! Harada-Stone led her operations team in class, worked her shift, promoted HI Joe!, and sold its apparel while working as Hanalei Farmers Market’s manager. In spring 2021, she became the Global Solutions Sustainability Challenge director, as Kauaʻi CC students partnered with Kurdistan, Iraq students, to develop a business concept addressing a United Nations Sustainability Goal. Harada-Stone has been an active member of the Business and Young Entrepreneurs Club that performs campus and community projects.
Last year, Harada-Stone assumed the role and responsibilities as owner of SBH Taro Farms, a third-generation business, after her grandfather died. She has enabled students enrolled in her class to use her business to develop a marketing campaign project.
Harada-Stone overcame challenges and excels in her endeavors while balancing academic, work and personal life. She is on track to earn her associate’s degree in science and achieve her goals. Harada-Stone’s positive attitude, strong work ethic, perseverance and volunteerism ensure an optimistic future for her and the community she serves.