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person putting vegatables in a bag
Hawaii Foodbank volunteer packs food to distribute.

This year’s University of Hawaiʻi foodbank drive has raised a record breaking $87,281 so far in monetary donations despite continued campus closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The 2021 donations as of May have surpassed last year’s total of $74,690. As a state department, UH is honored to be one of the largest monetary contributors to the Hawaii Foodbank and hopes to continue this notable achievement for 2021.

The issue of hunger continues to be a major challenge facing our community, affecting those most vulnerable among us. According to the Hawaii Foodbank, the university’s 2021 contribution equals to more than 220,000 meals that the foodbank was able to provide.

“I’m incredibly proud of how our University of Hawaiʻi stepped up during a pandemic when so many in our state have needed help the most,” said UH President David Lassner. “Despite the difficulties many have faced this past year, our ʻohana was still able to give generously, and I’d like to thank everyone who participated.”

Although the UH campaign has ended, it’s not too late to donate to this year’s campaign. You can still make an online donation at the UH Hawaii Foodbank website. The top five most wanted items are financial contributions, canned meats/tuna, canned meals, canned vegetables or fruits, and rice.

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